You don't need to be perfect you know,
that idealistic version of you that you compare yourself negatively to.
You just need to show up
I don’t judge you for all that internal stuff you focus on
(which is all made up anyway)
I just know you can provide THIS
It’s enough for me
I come to you for this
I have my own stuff to work on and as long as you’re honestly trying to work on yours, honest enough to own it and address it,
Please don't let that stop you
Here and now is where you shine, where it’s showtime
Trust that fire within you
That’s what sets you free
It’s what sets us free when you share it
As long as you give me this, I’m sticking with you
The fact that you have so many “struggles” as a human just makes you more lovable and relatable
We all have those
You don’t have to be perfect in your own eyes or my eyes in order to bring transformation to me, to all of us
Don’t doubt yourself brother, sister
Don’t let a focus on “not there yet” or “not ready yet” stifle the Truth that flows through you
As long as you show up and open up and let the magic through, that’s all the perfection we need
If you’d like help bringing out the magic, it’s what I specialize in. DM me and we’ll set up a call.