“If I want to be free, I’ve gotta be me. Not the me that I think you think I should be. Not the me that I think my wife/husband thinks I should be. Not the me that I think my kids think I should be. If I want to be free, I’ve got be me. So I better know who me is!" - Bill Gove
I want to be free and I want you to be free.
Free from pressure to conform, to perform, to keep up, to win, to impress.
And free to listen inside for clarity about you really want and free to create what you want - to give full expression to your unique life force.
When I genuinely can say I wish everything for you that you wish for yourself, without imposing any agenda of my own, there is great potential for a healthy, expansive and profitable relationship.
If you're feeling stuck with a client, friend, family member or colleague, I have a simple process that will remove any tension and allow for something exciting and new to be created.
DM me and we'll set up a call