Are you willing to have haters?
“OK”, you’re thinking. “I’ve got to the point where I don’t have to please all the people all the time, but I still kind of want to be respected. Or at least not actively disliked…”
So what happens when your message, who you’re here to be, just doesn’t sit very well with some people? What happens when people go out of their way to criticise you?
Take Mooji and Rupert Spira, for example – two people who help so many see past the illusion of our thought-created world and connect to our true nature.
I’ve had major breakthroughs while listening to them and just being in their presence online.
But a quick look on FB shows that many people have actually set up or joined groups for the specific purpose of discrediting these men.
Does that stop them? Are they softening their message as a result?
What about you?
Are you bold enough to say what occurs to you as true even if it creates a reaction? Like a whole bunch of people writing stuff online about you that you wouldn’t like?
Mooji and Rupert Spira are not angels, they're human beings just like you and me. They work hard and are dedicated to helping others, but it doesn’t make them perfect.
It is said that the spiritual teacher Gurdjieff, who was no doubt not perfect either, would have to muffle his desperate sobs under his pillow at night so none of his pupils could hear him. He was so frustrated at his own inability to wake people up, and yet he helped so many during his life. Of course, he was also dismissed by others as a total charlatan.
So my question to you, and to myself, is:
Are you willing to have loud voices ridiculing you as you speak your truth?
Or is the fear of that happening going to continue keeping you quiet?
And if your true wish in life is to share this message of freedom, peace, joy and connection that the world so desperately needs, who the f*&? are you to let your personal preferences and inhibitions get in the way??
As a wise man once shared with me, when you start attracting criticism, it’s a good sign you’re getting somewhere.
I’m here to be true to me.
And that means listening inside for guidance – the place before words appear – no matter how noisy and persistent the outside. And no matter how many times I slip up.
What are you here for?